Fall concerts

7 November 2022

Hello everybody!

This autumn I have the chance to have some nice concerts planned, in good company.

Pier – duo shows

We’ll be back on the road with Yann Hunziker, for a few concerts in duo of my new project Pier (“Pierre”).

We’ll do several concerts with La Météo, aka Camille Mermet (super talented bass player, singer and comedian), that’s really nice!

Berther-Pier-Fries-Odd Beholder

Following an invitation from the B-Sides Festival in Lucerne, Martina Berther, Lea Maria Fries, Odd Beholder and I played together. It was fun, so we’re doing it again in Bern on November 20th.

Organized by bee-flat, the concerts will take place at the Johanneskirche at 3:30 pm and 8:30 pm.

We mix our respective repertoires and rearrange our songs for this special concert (spoiler: there will be some detuned organ hehe).

I am very happy to play again with these three beautiful musicians!

Berceuses (lullabies) – continued

After a series of magical concerts in September, we are thinking about a continuation of the Berceuses collective project. The next concert is in Neuchâtel, at the Case à Chocs on December 2nd. And surely there’ll be other concerts in 2023, stay tuned!

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing you perhaps at one of these occasions.

With love
