Pier – First track OPRA out!

4 March 2022

As mentioned in the last newsletter, here is Opra (earth in Aramaic), a first track from Pier!

It was recorded and mixed at Phonotope studio by Antoine Etter. Yann Hunziker plays drums and percussions. Marie Taillefer made a beautiful video. I’m greateful to work with such talented people!

To listen to it, just go to Pier’s Bandcamp page. Decay of memory, traces of exile, mystical presence and ghosts of the future…

For now, I chose to release it on Bandcamp. This website allows streaming and downloading. And if you buy the song, the money goes directly to me, which is great!

You can also download the Bandcamp mobile app for your phone. It’s a good alternative to the big streaming platforms (even if it’s mostly independent music and not all the hits…).

Pier – concerts

I’m really looking forward to the concerts with Yann! It’s soon, here are the dates again.

And tonight I have the pleasure to play at the Usine à Gaz in Nyon for an improvisation project with Fhunyue Gao.

Finally: on April 8th I will play a solo set for the Immersive Sound Festival in Fribourg.

Looking forward to seeing you, maybe at a concert!

Kindly yours
