Acoustic concerts & more

5 February 2025


Yann Hunziker and I are preparing a series of concerts without amplification. We’ll be playing in a variety of more or less resonant spaces in Switzerland throughout March, and we’re really looking forward to it!


Certain capacities are limited. You can reserve via the links below.

  • March 5: Saison culturelle – Perly-Certoux (Geneva)
  • March 7: Mokka – Thun (Bern)
  • March 8: Espace Pertuis – Fribourg
  • March 9: Echandole – Yverdon
  • March 14: Temple – Saint-Saphorin (doors 8pm / no reservations)
  • March 15: KuBaA – Zürich, Affoltern


Before that, we’ll be playing two more concerts with electricity, opening for The Veils. Apart from the acoustic concerts, these will be our last dates before a long break.


It’s a collaboration with Jill and the Evasions Project, where we gather stories of emancipatory experiences. It’s only in French for the moment, but if you’d like to share an experience in English or German, we’d be happy! Drop us a line at

Thanks for your attention and see you soon!


Not monotonous Autumn

19 September 2024

Hello everybody!

I hope you had a great summer. As for me, autumn is shaping up to be a busy one, with an album release in particular.

Album Berceuses

We’re releasing an album with the Berceuses (Lullabies) collective project! It will be available on vinyl and on all platforms from October 25, via the label Humus Records. You can already order it and listen to one of the songs.

We’ll also be on tour in Switzerland in November, which I’m really looking forward to! Here are the dates:

Photo : Juliette Henrioud

Residency at City Club Pully

From September 23 to 28, we’ll be in residence at the City Club cinema in Pully, with my sidekick Yann Hunziker. For the occasion, we’ve invited two fantastic musicians with whom we’ve already had the pleasure of playing: Aïda Diop and Louise Knobil.

We’ll be presenting the fruits of our research on Saturday 28th at 9pm. A wonderful evening, with also a screening of Dhia Jerbi’s film Derrière le soleil at 7pm.

Other concerts

Two more concerts on Saturday, September 21:

I look forward to seeing you on either occasion!

Take care, and thank you for reading.


Spring-Summer 2024

28 May 2024

Hello everyone,

On this spring day, I’d like to share some sounds and images with you.


Yann Hunziker and I will be playing some great swiss festivals over the next few weeks:

Concert dates are regularly updated on my website.

And speaking of festival : I’m happy to share a short video of our acoustic concert during the last Cully Jazz Festival.

Music for Palestine 4

On June 9, I’ll be taking part in Music for Palestine 4 at Le Nouveau Monde in Fribourg. A team of musicians and singers get together once again to create a moment of music, sharing and solidarity.

New song – Qala

At the initiative of artist and curator Eglė Šalkauskyte, I’ve recorded a new track, Qala (the voice in Chaldean), which you can listen to online on Bandcamp.

Thanks to her for the invitation, and long live her Jelly Sunday show on Radio Bollwerk!

And last but not least, some exciting news for autumn: we’re in the process of finishing an album for the Berceuses project, and it’s beautiful! Scheduled for release in November, with some concerts.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!


Spring 2024 🌱

29 February 2024

Hello everyone,

I’m writing this newsletter from Cairo, my heart both nourished by the energy of the city, and heavy because of the situation in Gaza and other parts of the world (Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon, Congo, Kurdistan, sadly the list goes on…).

Spring concerts

There will be 3 special concerts, that I’d like to share with you:

March 8 at Le Bout du Monde in Vevey

Concert in support of the Palestinian cause. With Melissa Kassab, Adham Zidan, Malekah Al-Muaid, Yassin Mahdi, Chadi Messmer, Cedric Blaser, Rana Bassil and others!

March 23 at La Spirale, Fribourg

With two special guests, two wonderful musicians: Louise Knobil and Aïda Gabrielle Diop.

April 11 at the Cully Jazz Festival

Another special concert: we’ll be playing with Yann Hunziker in the Temple, a 100% acoustic set with no sound system!

New song “Les médicaments”

Today sees the release of a new track, a collaboration with the duo Martin XVII.

I had this song, but wasn’t convinced by the arrangement or the production. So Pascal and Louis and I spent a few days exploring together, and they came up with some great ideas!

In the end, we find the character of Martin XVII and my own, a well-balanced mix, all illustrated by Valentine Moser in an amazing video.

The Wonder Way – Documentary by Emmanuelle Antille

During the week of March 4 to 8, I’ll have the pleasure of playing at the end of screenings of Emmanuelle Antille’s new film. In resonance with the images, I’ll be performing an atmospheric sound exploration of ca. 20 minutes.

You’ll find the dates of screenings and concerts on the film’s official website.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!


Dreams and nightmares

7 November 2023

Hello everybody,

Right now, it’s difficult to stay focused on artistic projects. In my heart, the Palestinian people, but also Kurdish, Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese… And sadness and anger when I see the insane violence of the dominant oppressive systems, and the general lack of awareness.

In support of the Palestinian cause, with other musicians we are organizing a concert on November 8 in Fribourg, at La Coutellerie. Come one, come all!

New album out!

The Colline de pierre album is out! You can now listen to it on the platforms and order a vinyl.


With my sidekick Yann Hunziker, we’ll be in concert for a Live in Vevey residency from November 23 to 26, at the Théâtre de l’Oriental. We’ll also be joined by amazing guests: Aïda Diop (Fri and Sat) and Louise Knobil (Sat).

Other concerts are regularly updated on my website.

Young Dreams

I have the pleasure to be collaborating with the verly talented dancer and choreographer Amina Abouelghar on a piece called “Young Dreams“.

The premiere will take place on November 15 and 16 as part of the Next festival in Kortrijk, Belgium. Other dates will follow in 2024, notably in Cairo and Switzerland.

Podcast – Les étoffes

Another collaboration, this time with Jill and the Projet Evasion : a self-produced podcast that collects stories of emancipatory experiences.

Although the episodes are only in French (for now), you’ll find other interesting contents on the Projet Evasion’s homepage in English, German, Italian and some other languages.

If you too would like to share an emancipatory experience, please write us at
Thanks a lot for your attention,



New song – old story

11 October 2023

After Opra, here’s a new extract from my new album. It’s a song of consolation from the Chaldean liturgy, revisited.

The album version is arranged with synths and textures, and sung as a duet with Shadha Barjo. You can listen to it on your favorite platform.

We also filmed a live a cappella version, with my concert partner Yann Hunziker.

Thanks to Sophie Berset, Margaux Huber and Bruce Wuilloud for this wonderful lunar video!

Album pre-order

You can pre-order the album Colline de pierre, due for release on November 3.

There’s even a limited-edition version of golden-marble vinyls!

The cover image is a painting by the wonderful artist Karine Rougier, called Golden Circle. I’m very grateful that she allowed me to use it <3


Yann and I will be in concert over the next few months. Here are the first 2 dates:

I’m really excited to share these new songs on stage with you!

See you soon!


Release times

12 September 2023

Hello everybody!

This fall and winter, several projects I’ve been working on for a while will be published and/or shown on stage. I’m very happy to be able to share them with you!

New album – 1st single out

First of all, I’m lucky enough to be releasing a solo album, the first under my own name! It’s called “Colline de pierre” and will be out on November 3 on Humus Records.

In the meantime, a 1st single, Opra , already available on Youtube, is now on all platforms. You can also (re-)discover the beautiful video directed by Marie Taillefer.

And I’m looking forward to the concerts that will follow this album release! You can already save a date : October 28 at Fri-son, Fribourg.

EP Horizon Liquide

Lucky again ! 5 Horizon Liquide new tracks have just been released on Rababoo Records.

The “3arus 3arin” EP is available on Bandcamp, along with ultra-limited edition cassettes!

“Lullabies” concerts

September also sees a reunion with the amazing “Berceuses” (lullabies) team, for 4 concerts before a looooooong break (all in the french part of Switerland).

Photo : Juliette Henrioud

See you soon!

All the best


Spring is soon!

21 February 2023

Hi everyone!

Here are some news about my different musical and sound projects for this spring. I hope to see you there! I’m always very happy to receive your feedbacks and e-mails, thank you for that!

Berceuses mini-tour

In collaboration with Lead Sisters, we’ll play 4 concerts in March with the collective project Berceuses (lullabies) all around Switzerland.

We will play little in 2023, so I am looking forward to meet this happy team again! Here are the dates:

Photos : Bellalucy

<3 Hummus Records <3

This year I will have the chance to collaborate with the prolific and beautiful swiss indie label Hummus Records.

I have known Jona and the Hummus team for years. They are people with a big heart, passionate about music, and I really look forward to working with them. More info will follow very soon!

Podcast & mix


The community radio Radio Bollwerk invited me to do a 1 hour mix. I’ve selected music that moves me, from people that I know personally or not.

The mix also contains two unreleased tracks! At 35:45 a track from Horizon Liquide and at 48:53 a track from my next album. Enjoy!


For those who understand German, I invite you to listen to a nice podcast about songwriting. It is made by Daniela Weinmann (Odd Beholder) and Simon Borer (Long Tall Jefferson).

In episode 7 on language, I explain my process with Chaldean, among other things.

Support concert for Iran

February 24th, at the espace autogéré in Lausanne there will be an evening of support for the victims of the current repression in Iran. I will play a solo concert.

Come and join us!

See you soon


Fall concerts

7 November 2022

Hello everybody!

This autumn I have the chance to have some nice concerts planned, in good company.

Pier – duo shows

We’ll be back on the road with Yann Hunziker, for a few concerts in duo of my new project Pier (“Pierre”).

We’ll do several concerts with La Météo, aka Camille Mermet (super talented bass player, singer and comedian), that’s really nice!

Berther-Pier-Fries-Odd Beholder

Following an invitation from the B-Sides Festival in Lucerne, Martina Berther, Lea Maria Fries, Odd Beholder and I played together. It was fun, so we’re doing it again in Bern on November 20th.

Organized by bee-flat, the concerts will take place at the Johanneskirche at 3:30 pm and 8:30 pm.

We mix our respective repertoires and rearrange our songs for this special concert (spoiler: there will be some detuned organ hehe).

I am very happy to play again with these three beautiful musicians!

Berceuses (lullabies) – continued

After a series of magical concerts in September, we are thinking about a continuation of the Berceuses collective project. The next concert is in Neuchâtel, at the Case à Chocs on December 2nd. And surely there’ll be other concerts in 2023, stay tuned!

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing you perhaps at one of these occasions.

With love
