Yann Hunziker and I are preparing a series of concerts without amplification. We’ll be playing in a variety of more or less resonant spaces in Switzerland throughout March, and we’re really looking forward to it!
Certain capacities are limited. You can reserve via the links below.
- March 5: Saison culturelle – Perly-Certoux (Geneva)
- March 7: Mokka – Thun (Bern)
- March 8: Espace Pertuis – Fribourg
- March 9: Echandole – Yverdon
- March 14: Temple – Saint-Saphorin (doors 8pm / no reservations)
- March 15: KuBaA – Zürich, Affoltern

Before that, we’ll be playing two more concerts with electricity, opening for The Veils. Apart from the acoustic concerts, these will be our last dates before a long break.
- February 12: Festival Antigel, Geneva
- February 13: Bogen F, Zurich
It’s a collaboration with Jill and the Evasions Project, where we gather stories of emancipatory experiences. It’s only in French for the moment, but if you’d like to share an experience in English or German, we’d be happy! Drop us a line at radioevasion@riseup.net.

Thanks for your attention and see you soon!
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