Pier : L’hôpital – Azur3000 – Live

8 June 2022

Hi everyone!

Pier – L’hôpital

After a first song about exile in Aramaic, Opra, here is L’hôpital, a pop song in French. It’s about the feeling of helplessness in front of someone who’s fading away…

It features bass and arrangements by Adrien Guerne and percussion by Aïda Diop. It was recorded and mixed at Phonotope studio by Antoine Etter.

To listen to it, just go on Bandcamp or on your favorite platform.

With a joyful team we made a video to tell this story. We see two people who leave for a mysterious place. It’s about being lost, and at the same time inventing, playing, creating one’s own world – poetry as a refuge.

It was directed by Raphaël Piguet, with the support of Gabriel Balagué. Dîlan Kiliç found incredible sets and costumes!

The amazing Catherine Portmann and David-Christelle Sanvee embody these two travelling characters.

Azur3000 – Lémancolia part II

On May 13 was the release of Lémancolia part II. It’s the sequel to the album we wrote and recorded during a Cheptel Records residency on the shores of Lake Geneva (lac Léman in french), in 2019. Here a short description :

“A long trace of melancholic light that originates upstream, in the Rhone valley and flows to the foot of the mountains where Leonard’s prose answers to the liquid sounds of Laure and Perrine”.

Sommer concerts

This summer: a few concerts of Pier (in duo or solo), and a new project with the writer Myriam Wahli, it’s gonna be great!

And in September, we’ll be back on the road with my 7 friends from the Berceuses (Lullabies) project, yeah! To keep you informed you can check the concerts page and my Instagram.

See you soon,
