Rendez-vous with Pier

18 January 2021

Hello everyone,

Recently, I have been working on my solo project, Pier (“Pierre”). It’s a brand new repertoire with also a scenography: an object-instrument-companion-decor that turns on itself and makes sounds. It navigates between synth-pop, psychedelic guitars and absurd poetry.

Photos : Julie Folly – GIF : Pier

Several people involved in the story have been in the rehearing room lately to hear the new songs. These were intimate, special, quite magical moments. I thought it was great! That’s why I propose at the end of January some Rendez-vous with Pier, to which you can come alone or accompanied.

  • When is it? from 27th to 31st January 2021
  • At what time? 6pm and 7:30pm on weekdays, plus at 4:30pm on weekends
  • How long does it last? approx. 40-45 minutes of music and a little chat if you feel like it
  • Where is it? At my rehearsal space at the coopérative Maison des artistes in Givisiez, next to Fribourg
  • Register here

It’s going to be free price, there will be a box where you can slip money in. You can come alone or with a maximum of 3 people. One registration per group is enough.

I am looking forward to seeing you!
All the best